الجمعة، 12 أغسطس 2011

London .... Fog City

LONDON: Britain is the capital and largest city. Located on the River Thames in southern England. Live in the city, about 7.5 million people, of whom about 2.7 in the interior districts of London. With a population of around 12,599,561 people (Statistics 01/01/2005), making it the largest city in Europe (without Rossiaotrkiya) and one of the most important centers of political, economic and cultural rights. Form of the current administrative division of London in the first of April / April 1965 with the establishment of Greater London. The city has large number of universities, institutes, museums and theaters. Also take a lot of international organizations and international companies based in the city

Time wheel London eye

The place from which to view London from the top is close to Big Ben not only separated by a bridge, westminster

Big Ben and Parliament Square

Time Ppalarba famous faces, the largest in Britain to rise about 320 feet (106 meters) and dubbed the St. stepfen's Tower
It is part of the parliament building and the name Big Ben is due to the huge bell, which weigh up to 14 tons and the hour is open to visitors ..
And ringing bells in every quarter of an hour
And the nearest train station ground to reach the hour is station westminster

Buckingham Palace

Was founded 1705 is the official residence of the Queen in London and the 19 rooms in addition to the photo gallery
And 42 garden and palace opens its doors to the public in the months 8-9 of each year only
The nearest subway station to reach the Palace Station is Hyde Park Corner

Kensigton Palace

Was built 300 years before the Palace of Queen of Wales (Diana) from 1961 to 1997
The housing in which the number of members of the royal family before
And now offers some of the clothes for special occasions to members of the royal family in the 18th century

British Museum

1753 the oldest museum in which almost 100 exhibitions and monuments in it from all over the world
In the center of the museum (dome) is made from modern glass and steel steel
The nearest subway station to get to the museum is the Station Tottenham court rd

Trafalgar Squre

Nothing in this field, the oldest monument in London, this monument dates back to 1600 years ago
The arena is famous for the presence of birds (pigeons), where a lot but now has been the prevention of food give the bathroom so as not to accumulate in this arena and Toeschha
There are arena for this exhibition the National Gallery

London Bridge

The existing bridge made ​​of stone which replaced the original bridge made ​​of wood by the Romans in the 12th century
The new bridge was built in 1973

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