الأربعاء، 17 أغسطس 2011

Tour in India

India: from the river Indus (Sindh) India derives its name, and appeared Land and India, the land that their meaning lies beyond the Indus, and called the people of this country Indians or Hindus. And may also derive the name from the name of God (Andhra)

Population: one billion and 27 million and 15 thousand and 247 people.

Area: more than 3 million square kilometers.

Languages​​: 17 major languages ​​and 844 dialects are spoken for.

But the language that connects the Indian economic and political language is English

Major religions: Islam, Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism, Sikhism and Gangeh (relative to the river Ganga)

National anthem: his name (Jean Gana Mana) and written by Tagore Rabindr

National animal: Tiger.

National Bird: Peacock.

National Flower: Lotus.

National tree: tree (Banyan).

National fruit: mango.

National sport: hockey.

National currency: Rupee
History and origin:

Dates back to 5000 in India, at least, has in its beginnings civilization historians said about it the most complicated of human civilizations and the most diverse.

They say that the first manifestations of civil service in India appeared in the cities (at large) and (Mhoengodaaro) in the period between 3000 and 1500 BC.

Climate: The climate varies according to different regions and the rise and the seasons. India subject to three classes a hot, dry and cold climate is hot in the north from the south and more exposed to the monsoon, floods or drought-arid.

Geography: consists of three major regions: the Himalayas and the Northern Territories which lies between the Himalayas and the mountains of Alvegniat and the hills of the Deccan in the south and the mountains of GATT are the youngest mountains in India and oversees the coast of Western and Eastern

Economy: India is working to change its economic system to a mixed economy based on free and increase foreign investments, followed the new high-tech industries are the most important exported goods, clothes, jewelry, gems and engineering equipment.


Islamic history: an increasing number of Muslims in India, day after day. India is also increasing in number day after day, despite desperate attempts to curb population growth terrible out there that got her to more than eight hundred million people, including many religions the more than three hundred and sixty-five a religion.


And increases the number of Muslims in India about the hundred million Muslims, according to the latest statistics and this number is for the population of India, a good number, which in itself may increase the number of Muslims in the Arab world.

The spread of mosques throughout India and became a Muslim in the large, and there are countries with all its buildings nature of Islamic, where the Islamic architecture of old, which still exists today. The school of Islamic erected in 384 for the migration of the nucleus of a number of religious institutions that were built later on the similarly, where typically consists of a mosque and a hall for lectures and religious home for the occasions where religious ceremonies are held at every opportunity.

The most famous of these institutions still bear the character of the old school of Nasiriyah, which was held in 635 of the Immigration and School Veruzshah and school Arahimah and the school set up by Dobibi Raja Begum in 856 for Migration, which is the most famous role of science there. There is also the Osmania University, which was built in 1918 and considered this university unique of its kind, involving the study, Muslims and Hindus.


A total of wonderful pictures of nature The south India


A total of pictures of the temples in India


 In the end, a picture of the Taj Mahal



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